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When do you want to travel to Bass Lake?

About this event

Featuring more than 35 vendors offering gems, minerals, fossils,  lapidary products, and jewelry, the Mariposa Mountains of Minerals show serves as a focal point to share mineral specimens from world-wide locations. Dealers from far and wide gather to share their knowledge and stock of minerals  and demonstrations of lapidary techniques are show highlights.

For more information and entry pricing visit the event website.

Saturday 10am - 5pm
Sunday 10am - 4pm

Admission is $3 for adults, 14 and under are free

This event is located off-site and requires 40min drive.

Mariposa Fairgrounds

5007 Fairgrounds Road
Mariposa, CA United States


Map & Directions

Map & Directions

Mariposa Fairgrounds, 5007 Fairgrounds Road,, Mariposa County, California, United States, 95338